Legal Services

Most people are priced out of their legal rights. They earn too much to qualify for legal aid, but not enough to pay the hefty costs associated with full legal representation.
As a PSA member, the Legal Services Scheme is here to help you.
The PSA Members' Rights Hotline is the avenue for all employment, industrial and workers compensation matters. For all other legal matters there's the PSA Legal Services Scheme.
Our scheme now offers expanded services – providing members with one of the best Legal Services Schemes in Australia.
You can access FREE assistance in many legal situations.
Access to justice is a fundamental right. The PSA Legal Services Scheme helps guarantee that right for members.
Not a PSA member but want to access our Legal Services Scheme?
What is the PSA Legal Services Scheme?
The scheme enables PSA members to seek legal advice, assistance and family mediation services to protect your rights and property. Access to the scheme includes:
- Free 24 hour telephone advice
- Free first 1/2 hour interview with a lawyer
- Discounted wills and conveyancing
- Ongoing funding through the PSA Legal Services Scheme fund for approved matters
What is the PSA Legal Services Scheme Fund?
The PSA Legal Services Scheme fund covers the legal and mediation expenses of members in many circumstances. It is designed to protect the rights of PSA members. Members have access to a lawyer who will give FREE initial advice and, if appropriate, help you apply to the fund.
What does the fund cover?
The following list is a brief summary of some of the types of matters covered by the scheme, a detailed list of matters covered by the scheme is available to members.
- Motor vehicle claims
- advice and claims, defence of claims, counterclaims, and appeals relating to incidents involving a motor vehicle used by a member for vehicles (including caravans and trailers) up to three tonnes
- damage to vehicle or personal effects
- personal injury or death
- disputes relating to sale, purchase, hire purchase, hire, insurance, service or repair
- Criminal matters (Motor Vehicles) defence of prosecution for offences including
- driving under the influence (alcohol or drugs)
- Illegal use
Criminal matters which are heard in the Magistrate’s Court (that is matters not involving a jury) including
Fines and penalties
Street offences
Unlawful possession
Unlawfully on premises (this is the new Break and enter)
Theft (less than $2500)
Family Mediation including
a pre-mediation interview for you
a pre-mediation interview for your partner
a family mediation (up to three meetings)
advice and claims, defence of claims, counterclaims, and appeals for disputes relating to
death or injury, loss or damage to goods
the home (sale or purchase, loss of or damage to, loss of enjoyment of, fencing and encroachment disputes)
contracts (for services including insurance, sale, purchase, hire; purchase or hire)
defamation (for defence only)
entitlement under a will (up to two hours initial advice)
The fund does not cover Industrial matters, employment matters and workers' compensation matters which are dealt with through the PSA Members’ Rights Hotline
Disputes reported 6 months after occurrence
Disputes arising prior to you joining the PSA
Disputes with the PSA
Disputes under this scheme
Disputes in matters of less than $500
Become a
With PSA membership you know you're protected at work and have access to a huge range of member benefits. We strive for a South Australian public sector in which staff are highly valued and well resourced, with fair and secure working conditions.
Public Service Association of SA
122 Pirie Street Adelaide
Member Benefits Centre
Ground Floor, 122 Pirie Street
8:30am to 4:30pm