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Published on
09 Aug 2024
Government responds to PSA's request for negotiations
The government has now responded to the PSA’s formal request (here) that negotiations for a successor enterprise agreement to the current South Australian Public Sector Enterprise Agreement 2021: Salaried begin as soon as possible. The government’s letter confirms that negotiations will begin on Monday 9 September 2024. You can read the letter from the government here.24-08-09 - Letter to Natasha Brown - Salaried EA - Signed.pdf
Members should by now have received formal notification directly from the government stating their intention to commence negotiations for a new enterprise agreement.
PSA Organisers are attending worksites to provide more detail on the results from the PSA’s enterprise agreement survey and the contents of the subsequent ‘What You Have Told Us – 2024’ document (here), as well as our next steps from here.
The following key priorities determined from our membership consultation are expanded on in the ‘What You Have Told Us – 2024’ document. These priorities will drive all aspects of our upcoming enterprise agreement negotiations.
- Wages
Job Protection
Improving Conditions
Members are strongly encouraged to familiarise yourselves with the contents of the ‘What You Have Told Us – 2024’ document, and to attend the meetings being held at your worksites.
The PSA Council has endorsed these priorities as underpinning the PSA's negotiating position for a new salaried agreement.
The PSA will continue to consult with members and will draft proposals based on these priorities in readiness for the negotiations due to commence in early September.
Defining our priorities, while very important, is only one element in achieving the best possible enterprise agreement.
Our continued preparation and work together, at our worksites and from the PSA office, will determine our success in achieving an enterprise agreement which addresses our members’ priorities.
With the commitment of every member, we will be successful.
As previously reported, the PSA has recently met with SA Premier, the Hon. Peter Malinauskas MP.
PSA General Secretary Natasha Brown provided the Premier with an overview of the impact of cost of living pressures on PSA members, as well as the pressures on attraction and retention across the entire service.
The Premier was also briefed on the outcomes of our recent enterprise agreement survey - in particular that 90% of respondents indicated that wages and keeping up with the cost of living were members’ highest priority for the upcoming negotiations.
The PSA will continue to advocate for members across all levels of government for an enterprise agreement that meets your needs.
The South Australian Public Sector Enterprise Agreement 2021: Salaried has a nominal expiry date of 9 December 2024.
Under the provisions of the current agreement, a final wage increase is due this month.
Encourage any of your colleagues, who are not currently PSA members, to join and add their voice to your next agreement.
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With PSA membership you know you're protected at work and have access to a huge range of member benefits. We strive for a South Australian public sector in which staff are highly valued and well resourced, with fair and secure working conditions.
Public Service Association of SA
122 Pirie Street Adelaide
Member Benefits Centre
Ground Floor, 122 Pirie Street
8:30am to 4:30pm