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Published on
24 Jan 2025


PSA representatives have continued to meet with the government to negotiate your enterprise agreement. The government still does not acknowledge that PSA members are suffering a cost of living crisis. 

PSA members – increasingly concerned about the government’s dismissive approach – are now taking, and preparing to take, a range of actions together in support of a respectful agreement.

The PSA is advocating strongly for real pay increases that address current cost of living pressures; labour market realities; attraction and retention; and protection against future inflation, all of which are affecting members across our entire membership.

It is completely unreasonable for the government not to understand or accept that public sector wages have reduced in value during the past three years (see the evidence here).

It is completely unreasonable for the government not to understand or accept that wages in the SA public sector for the salaried group are not competitive in the current labour market when compared to the private sector and public sector wages in other states and the Commonwealth.

In Short

  • The PSA continues to meet with the government for negotiations.

  • Members must be paid appropriately for their work in the current labour market and economic circumstances. 

  • PSA members at certain worksites have begun administrative based authorised industrial action as part of the PSA’s broader campaign.

  • Achieving wage justice is the PSA’s number one priority in the enterprise agreement negotiations that are currently underway.

It was completely unreasonable for the government to put forward an initial proposition of wage increases of ‘up to 3%’, effective from much later this year.


Members actions beginning to escalate

For some time now PSA members across the public sector have been supporting negotiations by displaying PSA Wage Justice posters and stickers in their worksites as well as other visible collective actions. (If you need materials for your worksite, please speak to your PSA Organiser or send a request to

PSA members in a number of areas are working with their PSA Organiser to escalate their activities. As part of the PSA’s broader campaign, members in the Department for Child Protection and in Community Mental Health have begun authorised industrial action. The escalation to administrative industrial action taken by these members is in support of the fight for wage justice; job protection; reasonable workloads and improving working conditions.

Members in more areas will be starting authorised administrative industrial actions soon. Some of the actions underway, and under consideration, include such things as not filling in log books, not completing certain reports, impacting certain KPIs, among a range of other actions. If you have not done so already be sure to speak to your PSA Organiser about what your worksite can do to let the government know you are serious about achieving a respectful agreement. 

The types of actions being considered at this stage of the negotiations include actions which impact, and put pressure on departmental senior management and members of the government, without compromising service provision to the public. 


What next from here

PSA Organisers are holding meetings at worksites to discuss the current status of the negotiations – and what it means for you; provide insights into the terms and conditions being discussed; to discuss next steps; and discuss how and when you can get involved at your worksite and make a difference. 

PSA members around the state are uniting to secure a fair deal. Members’ position is clear - the PSA's priority for this agreement is to secure a wage outcome which addresses the cost of living crisis, while improving conditions to make working in the public sector competitive and attractive. 

Members are encouraged to speak with your PSA Organisers and Worksite Representatives about your enterprise agreement, and discuss how you and your colleagues can contribute to getting the best possible outcome.



We all know that PSA members working together can improve outcomes for public sector workers and the community. You and your colleagues have the power to make a real difference. But we have to be in it together to make that difference.

Ask those yet to join you in the PSA to join online today.




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With PSA membership you know you're protected at work and have access to a huge range of member benefits. We strive for a South Australian public sector in which staff are highly valued and well resourced, with fair and secure working conditions.


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